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List of 779 scientific articles availableYear
Description of a new long-tailed skink (Scincidae: Trachylepis) from Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Marques M.P., Ceríaco L.M.P., Bandeira S., Pauwels O.S.G., Bauer A.M.
Description of two new Geissleria species (Bacillariophyta) from central and west tropical Africa
Cocquyt C., Ndjombo E.L.
Diet of catfish Clarias buthupogon Sauvage, 1879 (Clariidae) in two rivers in the Yoko Reserve, Tshopo Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Mahamba R.B., Ndjaki J.N., Kankonda A.B., Micha J.-C.
Do topography and fruit presence influence occurrence and intensity of crop-raiding by forest elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis)?
Ngama S., Bindelle J., Poulsen J.R., Hornick J.-L., Linden A., Korte L., Doucet J.-L., Vermeulen C.
Dynamics of deforestation in the yangambi biosphere reserve (Democratic republic of congo): Spatial and temporal variability in the last 30 years [Dynamique de la déforestation dans la réserve de biosphère de yangambi (République démocratique du congo): Variabilité spatiale et temporelle au cours des 30 dernières années] [Dinámica de la deforestación en la reserva de la biosfera de yangambi (República democrática del congo): Variabilidad espacial y temporal en el curso de los 30 últimos años]
Koy J.K., Wardell D.A., Mikwa J.-F., Kabuanga J.M., Ngonga A.M.M., Oszwald J., Doumenge C.
Effects of Land cover change on Great Apes distribution at the Lobéké National Park and its surrounding Forest Management Units, South-East Cameroon. A 13 year time series analysis
Yuh Y.G., Dongmo Z.N., N’Goran P.K., Ekodeck H., Mengamenya A., Kuehl H., Sop T., Tracz W., Agunbiade M., Elvis T.
Empirical selection between least-cost and current-flow designs for establishing wildlife corridors in Gabon
Vanthomme H.P.A., Nzamba B.S., Alonso A., Todd A.F.
Environmental conservation, tourism development and the dilemma of the indigenous Pygmy people in southeast Cameroon
Pemunta N.V., Tanywe A.C., Cumber R.Y.
Establishing the Itombwe Natural Reserve: Science, participatory consultations and zoning
Kujirakwinja D., Plumptre A.J., Twendilonge A., Mitamba G., Mubalama L., Wasso J.D.D., Kisumbu O., Shamavu B., Ayebare S., Bitomwa O., Tshombe R.
Exploitation of natural resources in the lomako-yokokala faunal reserve (Democratic Republic of Congo) – Activities, impacts and stakeholders’ perception of their sustainability [Exploitation des ressources naturelles de la réserve de faune de lomako-yokokala (République Démocratique du Congo): Activités, impacts et perception des acteurs sur leur durabilité]
Malankanga G.S., Kiala G.L., Muamba R.T.
Expressing agency in antagonistic policy environments
Akonwi Nebasifu A., Majory Atong N.
Extinction thresholds and negative responses of Afrotropical ant-following birds to forest cover loss in oil palm and agroforestry landscapes
Ocampo-Ariza C., Denis K., Njie Motombi F., Bobo K.S., Kreft H., Waltert M.
Factors affecting species richness and distribution spatially and temporally within a protected area using multi-season occupancy models
Moore J.F., Hines J.E., Mulindahabi F., Masozera M.K.
Farmers’ usage preferences for Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park
Musafili I., Ngabitsinze J.C., Niyitanga F., Weatherspoon D.
Fleas from domestic dogs and rodents in Rwanda carry Rickettsia asembonensis and Bartonella tribocorum
Nziza J., Tumushime J.C., Cranfield M., Ntwari A.E., Modrý D., Mudakikwa A., Gilardi K., Šlapeta J.
Floristic diversity and potential distribution of spontaneous fodder species in Burundi [Diversité floristique et distribution potentielle des essences fourragères spontanées au Burundi]
Masharabu T., Butore J., Sindaye D., Hitimana M.
Fortress conservation, wildlife legislation and the Baka Pygmies of southeast Cameroon
Pemunta N.V.
Genomic analyses of bifidobacterium moukalabense reveal adaptations to frugivore/folivore feeding behavior
Segawa T., Fukuchi S., Bodington D., Tsuchida S., Nguema P.P.M., Mori H., Ushida K.
Gestion de la réserve de biosphère de yangambi en république démocratique du congo à l'épreuve des dynamiques d'installation des villages et campements (1939-2015)
Koy J.K., Ngonga A.M.M., Wardell D.A.
Governance for forests and stakes of national park creation in gabon – case of the lopé national park [Gouvernance des forêts et enjeux de création des parcs nationaux au gabon: Cas du parc national de la lopé]
Ndong S.N., Mouloungui A.G.K., Ze S.O.

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