- Banque de graines du sol et déterminants de la germination du tali, Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Brenan
- Réviser les tarifs de cubage pour prendre en compte l’évolution de la ressource au Cameroun
- Pan-tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees
- A sharp floristic discontinuity revealed by the biogeographic regionalization of African savannas
- A whole-plant functional scheme predicting the early growth of tropical tree species: evidence from 15 tree species in Central Africa
- UAS imagery reveals new survey opportunities for counting hippos
- How Far Can Consumer-Grade UAV RGB Imagery Describe Crop Production? A 3D and Multitemporal Modeling Approach Applied to Zea mays
- Impact of Tree Growth Rate on the Mechanical Properties of Douglas Fir Lumber in Belgium
- Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica XIV
- Faire évoluer une revue scientifique dans un monde changeant
- Annual cycles are the most common reproductive strategy in African tropical tree communities
- Forest mapping and species composition using supervised per pixel classification of Sentinel-2 imagery
- A regional allometry for the Congo basin forests based on the largest ever destructive sampling
- The African timber tree Entandrophragma congoense (Pierre ex De Wild.) A.Chev. is morphologically and genetically distinct from Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C.DC
- What controls local-scale aboveground biomass variation in central Africa? Testing structural, composition and architectural attributes
- Architectural differences associated to functional traits among 45 coexisting tree species in central Africa
- The limited contribution of large trees to annual biomass production in an old-growth tropical forest
- Agroforestry for ruminants: a review of trees and shrubs as fodder in silvopastoral temperate and tropical production systems
- Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica XII
- Using camera traps and digital video to investigate the impact of Aethina tumida pest on honey bee (Apis mellifera adansonii) reproduction and ability to keep away elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) in Gamba, Gabonis
- Camera traps to study the forest elephant’s (Loxodonta cyclotis) response to chilli pepper repellent devices in Gamba, Gabon
- Une méthode simple et rapide pour l’évaluation de statistiques d’occupation du sol à l’aide d’images à très haute résolution acquises par mini-drone
- How private are Europe’s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis
- How does STICS crop model simulate crop growth and productivity under shade conditions ?
- Impacts of land use types on spatial patterns and neighbourhood distance of the agroforestry palm Borassus aethiopum Mart. in two climatic regions in Benin, West Africa
- Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests
- The size at reproduction of canopy tree species in central Africa
- Synergy between traditional knowledge of use and tree population structure for sustainability of Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott. & Endl in Benin (West Africa)
- Forest cover correlates with good biological water quality. Insights from a regional study (Wallonia, Belgium)
- Soil seed bank characteristics in two central African forest types and implications for forest restoration
- Evolution in the Amphi-Atlantic tropical genus Guibourtia (Fabaceae, Detarioideae), combining NGS phylogeny and morphology
- Production d’Acacia auriculiformis dans le système agroforestier de Mampu, plateau Batéké, République démocratique du Congo