Articles scientifiques 2023
Gueulou N., Coulibaly B., Fayolle A. et al. [2023 ] Tree allometry and stand structure in dryland forests relics of [...]
Sullivan, M.K., Fayolle, A., Bush, E. et al. Cascading effects of climate change: new advances in drivers and shifts of [...]
Maebe L., Dufrêne M., Claessens H., Maréchal K., Ligot G., Messier C. (2023) The Navigate framework: How the ecosystem services [...]
Delplanque A., Lamprey R., Foucher S., Théau J., Lejeune P. (2023) Surveying wildlife and livestock in Uganda with aerial cameras: [...]
Ligot G., Gheysen T., Perin J., Candaele R., Licoppe A., Claessens H., Lejeune P. [2023] Quel est le coût des [...]
Godineau C., Fririon V., Beudez N., de Coligny F., Courbet F., Ligot G., Oddou-Muratorio S., Sanchez L., Lefèvre F. [2023] [...]
Dupuis C., Fayolle A., Bastin J.-F., Latte N., Lejeune P. [2023] Monitoring selective logging intensities in central Africa with sentinel-1: [...]
De Mil, T., Van den Bulcke, J. [2023] Tree Core Analysis with X-ray Computed Tomography. Journal of Visualized Experiments (199), [...]