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Vous retrouverez les différents ouvrages et sites internet mentionnés dans cette boite à outils ci-dessous :
- Programme de Promotion de l’Exploitation Certifiée des Forêts (PPECF) –
- Trolliet, F., Vermeulen, C., Huynen, M. C., & Hambuckers, A. (2014). Use of camera traps for wildlife studies: a review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18(3), 446-454.
- Apps, P. J., & McNutt, J. W. (2018). How camera traps work and how to work them. African Journal of Ecology, 56(4), 702-709.
- Site web,
- Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) Network,
- Young, S., Rode‐Margono, J., & Amin, R. (2018). Software to facilitate and streamline camera trap data management: A review. Ecology and Evolution, 8(19), 9947-9957.
- Camera base,
- Collection « Mammals of the world » –
- Haurez, B., Fonteyn, D., Toint, S., Bracke, C., Doucet, J. L., Daïnou, K., Kehou, S. & Vermeulen, C. (2020). Élaboration et mise en œuvre d’un plan de gestion de la faune. Guide technique à destination des gestionnaires des forêts de production d’Afrique. Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux.
- Timelapse,
- Carbone, C., Christie, S., Conforti, K., Coulson, T., Franklin, N., Ginsberg, J.R., Griffiths, M., Holden, J., Kawanishi, K., Kinnaird, M. & Laidlaw, R. (2001). The use of photographic rates to estimate densities of tigers and other cryptic mammals. In Animal Conservation forum (Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 75-79). Cambridge University Press.
- Jansen, P. A., Ahumada, J., Fegraus, E., & O’Brien, T. (2014). TEAM : a standardised camera trap survey to monitor terrestrial vertebrate communities in tropical forests. Camera trapping: wildlife research and management, 263-270.
Quelques publications supplémentaires pour les passionnés !
- Fonteyn, D., Vermeulen, C., Deflandre, N., Cornelis, D., Lhoest, S., Houngbégnon, F. G., Doucet J. L. & Fayolle, A. (2021). Wildlife trail or systematic? Camera trap placement has little effect on estimates of mammal diversity in a tropical forest in Gabon. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 7(2), 321-336.
- Houngbégnon, F. G., Cornelis, D., Vermeulen, C., Sonké, B., Ntie, S., Fayolle, A., Lhoest, S., Evrard, Q., Yapi, F., Sandrin, F., Vanegas, L., Ayaya, I., Hardy, C., Le Bel, S. & Doucet, J. L. (2020). Daily activity patterns and co-occurrence of duikers revealed by an intensive camera trap survey across central african rainforests. Animals, 10(12), 2200.
- Lhoest, S., Fonteyn, D., Daïnou, K., Delbeke, L., Doucet, J. L., Dufrêne, M., Josso, J.F., Ligot, G., Oszwald, J., Rivault, E., Verheggen, F., Vermeulen, C., Biwolé, A. & Fayolle, A. (2020). Conservation value of tropical forests: Distance to human settlements matters more than management in Central Africa. Biological Conservation, 241, 108351.
- Whytock, R. C., Świeżewski, J., Zwerts, J. A., Bara‐Słupski, T., Koumba Pambo, A. F., Rogala, M., Bahaa-el-din, L., Boekee, K., Brittain, S., Cardoso, A. W., Henschel, P., Lehmann, D., Momboua, B., Kiebou Opepa, C., Orbell, C., Pitman, R. T., Robinson H. S. & Abernethy, K. A. (2021). Robust ecological analysis of camera trap data labelled by a machine learning model. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
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