F. S. Monthe et al._Characterization of microsatellite markers_App. in Sci Plant

Monthe F.S., Duminil J., Tosso F., Migliore J., Hardy O.J.

[2017] Characterization of microsatellite markers in two exploited African trees, Entandrophragma candollei and E. utile (Meliaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 5(2): 1600130

The genus Entandrophragma C. DC. (Meliaceae) includes emblematic African trees, growing in both humid and dry African forests. It is one of the most economically important African genera, comprising 11 species among which five are intensively exploited for their wood. Known under the commercial names kosipo and sipo, E. candollei Harms and E. utile (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague are distributed from Sierra Leone to Uganda and from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Angola. They are pollinated by insects, and their seeds are dispersed by wind. They have undergone extreme logging in many African countries since 1970 and are now registered as vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List (Hawthorne, 1998). The sustainable management of these timber species is therefore urgent. To this end, we developed for each species highly polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers (nSSRs), which will be used to study patterns of spatial genetic diversity and gene flow (mating system, pollen and seed dispersal).

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