BlueSter aims at promoting the Blue Breed
BlueSter is a European project (Interreg V) to promote the Blue Breed (Dual-Purpose Belgian Blue and Bleue du Nord): The objectives of the BlueSter project are:
- Develop new local products specific to the Blue Breed, both from its milk (yogurt, cheese, butter, ice cream, …) and its meat
- Create marketing channels, especially in short circuits to enhance the new range of products specific to Blue Breed
- Work on anchoring La Bleue (Blue Breed) to its terroir through eco-grazing and rural tourism
The particularity of the approach of the BlueSter project is to work in co-construction. This means that the project partners will develop multi-stakeholder think tanks, from the farmer to the “consumer”, through the processor (cheese maker, ice cream maker, butcher, etc.) and the distributor (SME, cooperative). Together, they will build collective solutions that suit all actors in these new sectors.
More detailed information can be found at