High spatial resolution of late-Holocene human activities in the moist forests of central Africa using soil charcoal and charred botanical remains
Morin-Rivat J., Biwolé A., Gorel A.P., Vleminckx J., Gillet J.F., Bourland N., Hardy O.J., Livingstone Smith A., Daïnou K., Dedry [...]
Climatic and cultural changes in the west Congo Basin forests over the past 5000 years
Oslisly R., White L., Bentaleb I., Favier C.,Fontugne M., Gillet J.F., Sebag D. [2013] Climatic and cultural changes in the [...]
West central african people: Survey of radiocarbon dates over the past 5000 years
Oslisly R., Bentaleb I., Favier C., Fontugne M., Gillet J.F., Morin-Rivat J. [2013] West central african people: Survey of radiocarbon [...]
Un nouvel aperçu de l’histoire des forêts d’Afrique Centrale par une approche combinant des outils anthracologiques et dendrochronologiques
crédit photographique : JY De Vleeschouwer La dynamique à long terme des forêts denses humides tropicales d’Afrique Centrale [...]
New Evidence of Human Activities during the Holocene in the Lowland Forests of the Northern Congo Basin
Morin-Rivat J., Fayolle A., Gillet J.F., Bourland N., Gourlet-Fleury S., Oslisly R., Bremond L., Bentaleb I., Beeckman H., Doucet J.L. [...]