Tree allometry and stand structure in dryland forests relics of northern Côte d’Ivoire
Gueulou N., Coulibaly B., Fayolle A. et al. [2023 ] Tree allometry and stand structure in dryland forests relics of [...]
Gueulou N., Coulibaly B., Fayolle A. et al. [2023 ] Tree allometry and stand structure in dryland forests relics of [...], Blundo C., Carilla J., Grau R., Agustina Malizia A. et al. [2021] Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests [...]
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Freycon V., Wonkam C., Fayolle A., Laclau J.P., Lucot E., Jourdan C., Cornu G., Gourlet-Fleury S. [2015 ] Tree roots [...]
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