- Linking wood density records of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) with temperature and precipitation variability from a temperate lowland site.
- Intensity, determinants, and impacts of liana load on tropical trees in central Africa
- Seed dispersal by duikers in selectively logged rainforests: Overlooked dispersal of an important animal community
- Five approaches to producing actionable science in conservation
- Enrichment of Logging Gaps with High-Value Timber Species: How Far Fertilizer, Biochar and Mammal Predation Affect Performances of Cylicodiscus gabunensis Harms Seedlings
- Impacts du changement d’utilisation des terres sur la biomasse et la diversité dans le paysage forestier de la réserve de biosphère de Yangambi en République démocratique du Congo
- The challenging coexistence of forest elephants Loxodonta cyclotis and timber concessions in central Africa
- Conservation science and policy should care about violent extremism
- Prediction of forest nutrient and moisture regimes from understory vegetation with random forest classification models
- Growth, Productivity, Biomass and Carbon Stock in Eucalyptus saligna and Grevillea robusta Plantations in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Range extension of the agile mangabey (Cercocebus agilis) and of the mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) in eastern Gabon evidenced by camera traps
- Mobile Laser Scanning for Estimating Tree Structural Attributes in a Temperate Hardwood Forest
- Les droits des populations locales et autochtones à l’épreuve des politiques forestières et de conservation
- Highlighting a New Morphospecies within the Dialium Genus Using Leaves and Wood Traits
- Mapping tree species proportions from satellite imagery using spectral–spatial deep learning
- New evidence on the role of past human activities and edaphic factors on the fine-scale distribution of an important timber species: Cylicodiscus gabunensis Harms
- Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management
- Tallo: A global tree allometry and crown architecture database
- Jet stream position explains regional anomalies in European beech forest productivity and tree growth
- Strategy games to improve environmental policymaking
- Dissecting the difference in tree species richness between Africa and South America
- The complexity of the conservation-development nexus in Central African national parks and the perceptions of local populations
- Climatic niche lability but growth form conservatism in the African woody flora
- Climate-change-driven growth decline of European beech forests
- Estimating Species-Specific Stem Size Distributions of Uneven-Aged Mixed Deciduous Forests Using ALS Data and Neural Networks
- Ringing American passerines in the Azores: preliminary results with special mention of the first record of Connecticut Warbler for the Western Palearctic
- Gabon’s green gold: a bibliographical review of thirty years of research on okoumé (Aucoumea klaineana Pierre)
- Diversity of edible caterpillars and their host plants in the Republic of the Congo
- Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories: Historical origins, current methods and harmonisation
- Tree growth and mortality of 42 timber species in central Africa