- Mapping Natural Regeneration in Canopy Gaps from Seedlings to Saplings in Uneven-Aged Deciduous Forests using ALS Data
- Biomass increment and carbon sequestration in hedgerow-grown trees
- Economic, pro-social and pro-environmental factors influencing participation in an incentive-based conservation program in Bolivia
- Variation in Onset of Leaf Unfolding and Wood Formation in a Central African Tropical Tree Species
- TreeNet–The Biological Drought and Growth Indicator Network
- Number of growth days and not length of the growth period determines radial stem growth of temperate trees
- Pathogenicity of Sirococcus tsugae on major coniferous tree species of Belgian forest
- Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number: factors other than age shape brown bear movement patterns
- Which environmental factors control extreme thermal events in rivers? A multi-scale approach (Wallonia, Belgium)
- Does moonlight affect movement patterns of a non-obligate carnivore? Brown bears do not mind that the moon exists
- Height-diameter allometric equations of an emergent tree species from the Congo Basin
- A 3D approach to model the taper of irregular tree stems: making plots biomass estimates comparable in tropical forests
- Land use has little influence on the soil seed bank in a central African moist forest
- Radiative transfer modeling in structurally complex stands: towards a better understanding of parametrization
- Enjeux et défis de la mise en oeuvre des Unités Forestières Artisanales dans le Maï-Ndombe en République Démocratique du Congo
- Wood description and timber use investigation of Pachyelasma tessmannii (Harms) Harms
- Soil seed bank characteristics along a gradient of past human disturbances in a tropical semi-deciduous forest: Insights for forest management
- A lonely dot on the map: Exploring the climate signal in tree-ring density and stable isotopes of clanwilliam cedar, South Africa
- The utility of bulk wood density for tree-ring research
- Characterizing vegetation complexity with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) – A framework and synthesis
- Multispecies detection and identification of African mammals in aerial imagery using convolutional neural networks
- Estimation of Northern Hardwood Forest Inventory Attributes Using UAV Laser Scanning (ULS): Transferability of Laser Scanning Methods and Comparison of Automated Approaches at the Tree- and Stand-Level
- Water stream heating dynamics around extreme temperature events: An innovative method combining GAM and differential equations
- Les Dialium de la région guinéo-congolaise (synthèse bibliographique)
- Physical, mechanical, and decay resistance properties of heat-treat wood by Besson process of three European hardwood species
- Body mass during the spring migration period of two long‑livedseabirds varies with capture date, age, sex, and natal origin
- Assessing the Connectivity of Riparian Forests across a Gradient of Human Disturbance: The Potential of Copernicus “Riparian Zones” in Two Hydroregions
- Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots
- Tropical tree allometry and crown allocation, and their relationship withspecies traits in central Africa
- Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica XVII
- Resistance of African tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly
- Towards Silviculture Guidelines to Produce Large-Sized Silver. Birch (Betula pendula Roth) Logs in Western Europe
- Unveiling African rainforest composition and vulnerability to global change
- Rubbing behavior of European brown bears: factors affecting rub tree selectivity and density
- What Factors Shape Spatial Distribution of Biomass in Riparian Forests? Insights from a LiDAR Survey over a Large Area
- SIMREG, a tree-level distance-independent model to simulate forest dynamics and management from national forest inventory (NFI) data
- Individual Identification of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Based on Close-Range Remote Sensing: First Steps of a New Monitoring Technique
- Influence of spacing and seed trees on the growth of Pericopsis elata saplings during the first twenty months of a planting trial
- Arboreta reveal the invasive potential of several conifer species in the temperate forests of western Europe
- Ears in the sky: Potential of drones for the bioacoustic monitoring of birds and bats
- The reasons great ape populations are still abundant in logged concessions: Environmental drivers and the influence of management plans
- Does artificial feeding affect large carnivore behaviours? The case study of brown bears in a hunted and tourist exploited subpopulation