- Dynamique des populations d’azobé, Lophira alata Banks ex C. F. Gaertn., et implications pour sa gestion durable au Cameroun
- Removal and predation of aril-covered seeds: the case of Afzelia bipindensis (Fabaceae – Detarioidae)
- A recruitment model for beech–oak pure and mixed stands in Belgium
- How complementary are large frugivores for tree seedling recruitment? A case study in the Congo Basin
- Highlighting convergent evolution in morphological traits in response to climatic gradient in African tropical tree species: The case of genus Guibourtia Benn.
- Malaria risk assessment and mapping using satellite imagery and boosted regression trees in the Peruvian Amazon
- Cylicodiscus gabunensis Harms : une espèce prisée dans le commerce international (synthèse bibliographique)
- Harmonised projections of future forest resources in Europe
- Can water level stations be used for thermal assessment in aquatic ecosystem?
- Une forte saisonnalité du climat et de la phénologie reproductive dans la forêt du Mayombe : l’apport des données historiques de la Réserve de Luki en République démocratique du Congo
- Use of space and home range characteristics of Lepilemur mittermeieri, an endangered sportive lemur endemic to the Ampasindava peninsula, north‐west Madagascar
- Perceptions of ecosystem services provided by tropical forests to local populations in Cameroon
- Seed and pollen dispersal distances in two African legume timber trees and their reproductive potential under selective logging
- The critical role of abiotic factors and human activities in the supply of ecosystem services in the ES matrix
- 11C-Autoradiographs to Image Phloem Loading
- Utilisation des drones pour le suivi des aires protégées en RDC
- Les Plans Simples de Gestion destinés à la production de bois-énergie en périphérie de Kinshasa : la participation et la restauration à l’épreuve du foncier
- Automated classification of trees outside forest for supporting operational management in rural landscapes
- Testing the divergent adaptation of two congeneric tree species on a rainfall gradient using eco-physio-morphological traits
- Do topography and fruit presence influence occurrence and intensity of crop-raiding by forest elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis)?
- Ecological niche divergence associated with species and populations differentiation in Erythrophleum (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae)
- État des connaissances sur les céphalophes (genres Cephalophus et Philantomba) des forêts denses humides d’Afrique centrale (synthèse bibliographique)
- Harmonisation of stem volume estimates in European National Forest Inventories
- A few north Appalachian populations are the source of European black locust
- Mapping and Monitoring of Biomass and Grazing in Pasture with an Unmanned Aerial System
- Growth determinants of timber species Triplochiton scleroxylon and implications for forest management in central Africa
- The persistence of carbon in the African forest understory
- Natura 2000 payments for private forest owners in Rural Development Programmes 2007–2013 – a comparative view