Apart from many research works and projects in the area of resistance to pesticides and chemical mediators, the researches undertaken have been oriented towards an integrate fight, favoring the biological control, especially through the development of new bio-pesticides. Researches as such, aimed at fundamentals as well as applied, are developed combining molecular (genomics, proteomics), bio chemical, electrophysiological or behavioral approaches. These researches allow the understanding of implied mechanisms of interactions between pests and their environment.
More specifically, one of the objectives of the entomological unit is to contribute to the adaptation of current production methods integrating the global climate changes. Indeed, their impact has been observed, among other things, on the biodiversity (with the rise of invasive exotic species and the disappearance of indigenous species) as well as biological modifications in the entomofauna at the population level. Taking in consideration the necessity to propose a multifunctional and sustainable management of the biodiversity and natural resources, the Unit researches integrate diverse insects guilds, pests and auxiliaries (entomophagous and pollinating) and are conducted in the logic of nutritional network concept. (Food Web).
The Entomological Unit’s positioning clearly falls within a development dynamic of a diversity of approaches linked to the production, management and valorization of life resources, local or associated with southern countries. In the framework of these agricultural – environmental interaction studies, applications towards a variety of sectors are in the works.
All our scientific publications can be consulted by following this link. Our older publications are not references in ORBI, and can be consulted by following this second link.
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