* Chief-editor : Prof. Frédéric Francis
* Members : Yvan Barbier, Noël Magis, Jean Fagot, Raymond Wahis, François Verheggen, Emilie Bosquée
* Secretary : Catherine Wuillaume
* Exchanges of journals : Didier Conoir
Entomologie Faunistique – Faunistic Entomology publishes original articles on aquatic and terrestrial Arthropods diversity. Manuscripts can be submitted either in French of in English, but abstracts have to be written in both languages. The journal aims to provide rapid publication and speedy responses to authors, with all papers being reviewed by independent referees. The entire reviewing process does not generally exceed 6 months.
Entomologie Faunistique – Faunistic Entomology is edited by the Department of Functional and Evolutionary Entomology from Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (University of Liege), with the support of the non-profit organization “Nature & Agronomie”. This journal is published in free open-access, meaning that the entire content is freely available online to anyone for reading, downloading, distribute, print and reproduce.
Since 2012, articles are published online directly after acceptance. The pagination is continued from one paper to another. All articles published during one year constitute the annual volume.
Scientific Advisory Committee
* Prof. Thierry HANCE (UCL, Belgique)
* Prof. Eric LUCAS (UQAM, Québec, Montréal)
* Dr. Michel CUSSON (Professeur associé Université Laval – Centre Forestier des Laurentides, Québec, Canada)
* Dr. Charles VINCENT (Centre de Recherche et Développement en Horticulture (CRDH), Québec, Canada).
The scientific committee is made of entomologists covering all disciplines associated with the journal’s scope, ensuring high scientific quality. Members of the scientific committee conduct anonymous evaluation of each manuscript received from the editorial board. They also ask international experts to proof read all manuscript received by the journal. These experts can not belong to the same institution as the authors.
Previous journal title “Notes Fauniques de Gembloux” (from 1979 to 2008).
The journal of in open access following the PoPuPS portal.