Biosystems Dynamics and Exchanges
Teaching themes
General Physics / Environmental Physics / Bioclimatology / Biosystem exchange modelling / Plant-Ecosystem-Climate relations / Digital electronics
Research topics
- Coordination of the ICOS network in Wallonia ;
- Management of three terrestrial observatories (greenhouse gas flux measurements, micrometeorology) in mixed forests (Vielsalm TO); in crops (Lonzée TO) ; in grasslands (Dorinne TO);
- Methodology of eddy covariance : heat, water vapor, CO2, CH4 (in progress) and N2O (in progress) fluxes;
- Multilayer analysis of soil respiration and its isotopic signature in forest ecosystems;
- Impacts of crop management on soil respiration and soil organic content;
- Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emission by forest and crop ecosystems;
- Evaluation of carbon storage by a farm with cattle : effets of climate and management;
- Evaluation of the climatic impact of agri-environmental schemes in Wallonia.