archiDART: Plant Root System Architecture Analysis Using DART and RSML files

Description :

archiDART is an R package allowing the analysis of complex plant root system architectures (RSA) using the output files created by Data Analysis of Root Tracings (DART), an open-access software dedicated to the study of plant root architecture and development across time series (Le Bot et al (2010) DART: a software to analyse root system architecture and development from captured images, Plant and Soil, 326, 261-273), and RSA data encoded with the Root System Markup Language (RSML) (Lobet et al (2015) Root System Markup Language: Toward a Unified Root Architecture Description Language, Plant Physiology, 167, 617-627). The archiDART package can be freely downloaded from the CRAN repository and is provided with a detailed reference manual.

Maintainer : Benjamin M. Delory (

Contact : Pierre Delaplace (

Links :

Seminal root of a 16-day-old barley (Hordeum distichon L.) root system.